Saturday, October 5, 2013

Disability Employment Awareness Month – October

This is disability employment awareness month. As you click on the website of the first link you will also notice at the top, that the website is not being regularly updated due to the irresponsible government shutdown.  It is important to note that the impact of the lack of duty of care for the American People impacts so many different areas.

Disability employment continues to be a serious issue across the world. The US Dept. of Labor website does offer a variety of tools and pieces of information including ideas of what you can do.  Autism Speaks has posted its report – Employment Think Tank which is an important read.

Accessing consultation to improve the accessibility of the workplace including various aspects of specific job duties is one way to continue to move forward. Consultation must include people with disabilities in order to make effective changes.  An inclusive world must include all voices in order to make sustainable changes which are responsive to the dynamic and diverse workforce we will continue to have.
It goes back to seeing the person first. There are so many people who are waiting to use their gifts and talents. What a tremendous loss this is to everyone when we are not able to capitalize on this.


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